Where Is The Best Place To Live In Florida?
Where is the best place to live in Florida?
I’m sure I can answer this question much quicker, but I wanted to expand on this topic since I know this may help others.
I get asked this question a lot. Not only because I live in Florida myself, but because I am a Real Estate Agent in Florida. It’s a great question and one that I would assume anyone having an interest in moving to Florida would ask. It is also a loaded question and one that has no perfect answer. For those who give a quick answer to the question, the answer can be subjective, or it can be based on statistical data but either way, the answer doesn’t always apply to everyone.
Best can be different for everyone. If your dream is to watch the sunset over the ocean from your balcony every night, then living on the Gulf Coast of Florida is best. If you are a big fan of sunrises over the ocean, then living on the east coast of Florida is best. Age also comes into play. If you are retired and want a very active lifestyle along with other retirees, then The Villages may be best for you. The best place for your family with school age children can be in a Florida town that has a great school system. That would be best for your family regardless if you get to see an ocean sunrise or sunset every day. The best place to live in Florida is not an easy question to answer. The Florida Keys are pretty amazing but if your budget doesn’t allow for it, it won’t be best for you.
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